Super Powers

Jim got me a nifty toy today.  It not only gives me the ability to see through walls, but also the power to see in the dark.  And spy on my kids.  Just call me “Super Agent Mom.”

It’s a video monitor for the nursery, so I can see what the girls are up to without them seeing me.  I’m looking forward to using this miraculous invention to see what’s going on upstairs when they’re supposed to be napping.  They have some awfully rowdy parties up there, and now I’ll be able to tell who instigates the giggling, who initiates the toy-throwing, and who makes faces at whom.  I’ve always wanted to be a “fly on the wall,” and now I can!  Thanks hon, for giving me the gift of my very own spy-cam! 



At least they were sharing my shoes with each other, if not with me! 


Quick as a Cricket

For Easter, my mom sent us a book that had been a favorite of mine as a young child, Quick as a Cricket by Audrey Wood.  It was a huge hit with the girls.  Not only do they enjoy the beautiful illustrations, but they love it when I act out the words.  For example, I roar vigorously at the line, “I’m as loud as a lion,” and drop my voice to a whisper for “I’m as quiet as a clam.”  Jim read it to the girls for the first time the other night, and he didn’t disappoint them with his theatrics.  For the record, his roar is much louder than mine!   


The Couch Menagerie

This picture is the culmination of my inability to think of anything creative to do on a rainy day (OK, so it didn’t rain until the evening, but I just didn’t feel like going outside when it was so dreary-looking).  I had already read with the girls, sang with them, danced with them, ate with them, and so out of desperation, I got out all of their stuffed animals and told them to line them up on the couch.  Obeying pointless directions always seems to make them happy, so off they went.  Then they asked to sit up on the couch with their animals, and since I can’t resist any photo that involves both girls doing something cute, I ran and grabbed the camera to take this picture.  It may not be an exciting life here at our house, but we manage to smile all the same!   


Hide and Seek

What incentive do I have to organize the girls’ toy corner when they have so much fun diving into the mess?


Within Arm’s Reach

Nothing brings sisters closer together…than a little TV time at Bubba’s house.


Susie Singing

Susie’s new favorite pastime is singing softly to herself or to her toys.  I’m proud to present Susie’s first music video (you’ll have to forgive her initial shyness – she’s not used to performing in front of a camera…or maybe she just likes a grand entrance!):


Monday, Monday

Today was one of those days where I just kept finding myself shaking my head and thanking the Lord for his goodness.  It started off with a nearly non-existent nap where the girls played in their cribs for an hour and a half before finally falling asleep, which forced me to wake two very cranky children out of a sound sleep to get them ready for a play date at the park.  Once the girls realized I had woken them up for something fun, they perked up and played wonderfully with two of their adorable friends from story hour (pictures below).  The Lord preserved the girls through some precarious slide maneuvers and attempts to ingest gravel and wood chips, and blessed all the kids with great attitudes as they navigated those tricky toddler waters of group playtime.  After two great hours at the park, we headed home and I got the girls ready for their afternoon nap.  I was changing one of them on the floor when her sister (who shall remain nameless) decided to bend over and randomly chomp into her forehead, leaving teeth marks and an extremely unhappy sister and mother.  I figured after one child was thoroughly disciplined and the other thoroughly consoled, that surely they must be ready for a good, long, deep nap.  But no, they decided to use their afternoon crib time for another two hours of rollicking good fun.  When I went up to retrieve the sleepless children, I found that one of them (the victim of the vampire sister) had somehow pulled a table lamp out of the wall and into her crib.  Thankfully, the light bulb was intact and she was unharmed.  She must have grown elastic Gumby arms when I wasn’t looking! 

The rest of the evening was blessedly uneventful, and they are now sleeping soundly (or at least, silently) upstairs.  Thank the Lord for a good, full, exhausting, exciting day!


Becky (middle): “Who knew playing in the gravel could get you so dirty?”



Susie: “Peekaboo!  I see you, baby!” 



Susie (on right): “This baby knows how to play!  She loves messing up wood chips as much as we do!”

Ranger Ride

We took a quick ride around the yard on Jim’s Ranger yesterday, which thrilled the girls and Jim to no end.  And although in the picture below Becky (on the left) looks rather unsure of her dad’s driving skills, we all had a blast.   


Becky (on the left): “Are you SURE Dad has a license to drive this thing?”

Susie: “Of course Dad can drive this!  He can drive anything!  He’s DAD!” 

So Many Books, So Little Time

Mom, the other day you asked what was keeping the girls so quiet while we were on the phone. 

Here’s your answer:


You can never have too many books out at once, according to the girls.

I tend to agree.