Count Me Out

I just reached another (dubious) milestone in parenting: I purposely miscounted the number of spaces in a kid’s turn at Chutes and Ladders in order to get that silly game to end!  There was no way I was going to let Susie slide all the way down when she was only a few turns from finishing, especially when it was already past bedtime.  I was just grateful the girls didn’t notice and correct my counting! 

It’s Only a Matter of Time

You saw his first escape attempt in this video.  Now he’s honing his skills and trying keys.

Soon I think he’ll be picking the lock!


I’m kind of late to the Pinterest party, but I’m officially joining the rest of the world in spending way too much time on that site!  In addition to discovering some great recipes, I’ve found some fun kid crafts and activities.  I combined a few ideas to come up with the following “sight word” learning game:

First, I took some plastic Easter eggs and wrote a “sight word” (words that kids memorize to help them learn to read) on one side and a number on the other. 


Then, I have the girls pick an egg color (to narrow down the options), and I ask them to find the colored egg with a specific word or number.  Once they find the egg, I have them say the number and word on the egg, then toss it to me and I toss it back (to practice the hand-eye coordination that isn’t my girls’ strong suit!), and we proceed with the next one.  Then once all the eggs are done, I have them put the eggs back in the carton in number order. 

We had a lot of fun with this activity until the kids decided they wanted to do an early Easter egg hunt…and they hid the eggs so well we’re still finding them a week later!   

Aquarium Day

Well, the kids will probably not be as impressed by the grocery store lobsters anymore – they’ve finally been to an aquarium! 

I was so glad my mother-in-law joined us for the kids’ first trip to see the creatures of the deep.


The girls were very excited to “meet” Nemo and Dorie:

They even got to see a seal exhibit:

Becky was a very enthusiastic sting-ray toucher:

Jimmy would have been too, if only his arms were a bit longer!

He still had fun pressing buttons:

But I think the highlight of the trip for the kids was the stop at the gift shop, courtesy of their Bubba!

Cutie Patootie

Danny isn’t exactly a good sleeper, either in the day or night.  But he’s just so stinkin’ cute (especially when he IS asleep)!

(I know, I know, he shouldn’t be sleeping on his stomach…but all of our kids have preferred that position.  And he can roll himself either way and he has great head control, so I’m not worried.  And I think it’s so cute to see little baby bums sticking up in the air!)

New Wheels

The girls received bikes with training wheels for Christmas from my in-laws, so we took advantage of a recent warm-up to test them out.  They’re going to need a lot of practice getting the hang of pedaling, but they had fun trying:

Susie was especially fond of her bike helmet, and showed me how well it would “attack” her head in case she fell off (she meant “protect”):

You can see Jimmy was eager to sport a helmet as well:

And when they got tired of those wheels, the girls traded them in for power wheels (thanks to our neighbors for bequeathing their sons’ Jeep to us!) and a race against their daddy:

The girls got left in the dust!

Oh Susie

We were driving home at night, so the interior of the car was dark, and I heard Becky say, “Susie, are you there?”

Susie replied, “No.”


After she had said something funny, I told Susie she was cute.  Susie smiled and said, “Thanks, Mom.  I’m always cute with this blonde hair.”


I had mentioned something to Susie about using her brain, and she looked up in sincere bewilderment and gaped, “I have a BRAIN?”


Susie: “Can I have candy before bed?”

Me: “No.”

Susie: “Why not?”

Me: “Because you could get cavities.”

Susie: “But I LOVE the dentist!”


Susie, pretending to be a pirate: “Shiver me mateys!”


Susie: “I really want my tooth to fall out so I can get a present from God.” 


Me: “Susie, can you help Jimmy into his highchair?”

Susie: “According to my research, I can’t help you.”

Unexpected Fun

We had an unexpected snow day last Friday, making the kids very happy:

Especially my big boys:

(Seeing these pictures, I realized how badly I need to get Jimmy his own gloves, rather than making him wear his sister’s!).  

Words and Whirly Birds

Kids’ language acquisition never ceases to amaze me.  As of January, Jimmy’s entire vocabulary consisted only of the words “All done” (pronounced “A-dah”), “Daddy, “Bubba,” “oh dear” (oh-dee), “please” (pee), “bowl” (boh), “stuck” (a gutteral “kah”), “blanket” (bee), “hot” (ha), and occasional “mama.”  We had him evaluated by early intervention specialists, who said we didn’t need to worry because although his expressive speech was delayed, his receptive speech (what he understood) was just fine.  Furthermore, he communicated his needs extremely effectively through pointing and gesticulating (and forcibly moving our faces where he wanted us to look). 

Not one week after that evaluation, Jimmy decided he was done being the strong, silent type.  Within a few days, he added “more” (mo), “boo”, “ball” (ba), “yucky” (gacky), “no,” “boat” (bo), “ice” (i).  And since then, his language exploded.  I can’t even count all his words now!  He still uses a few words to get most of his needs met – notably, “no” and “me” and “ice” (now pronounced “eyesh”) are in heavy rotation.  And he still uses a lot of Jimmy-invented sign language, like pointing to his head to indicate he wants his daddy to fly the remote-control helicopter.  Why, you may ask, would he point to his head?  Don’t all toy helicopters take off from little boys’ noggins?

Here’s a video of Jimmy using a few of his words and being his normal busy little self:

Cheesy Guy

This child loves cottage cheese.

I mean LOVES cottage cheese.  Bottoms up!